Book shared meeting rooms easily

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Shared meeting rooms and resources

Several tenants in the same office building often share common resources, including meeting rooms.

To book a shared meeting room at the desired time and date, you will most likely need to contact the receptionist. After some back and forth, it turns out the meeting room you want is busy and you must contact your customers again and arrange a new time for the meeting. 

You spend unnecessary time on a task that should take 30 seconds. That is why we have developed Databeat Booking.

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Multi-tenant booking

Databeat Booking is a multi tenant booking solution, integrated with Microsoft 365. The solution allows different tenants in the same office building to book shared resources. 

You can easily view calendar information and book via your website, as well as decide which organizations and individuals will have access to book a resource.

Do you want to avoid these scenarios?

  • Double booking
  • "No-shows"
  • Waiting for confirmation
  • Inefficient booking process
  • Third-party dependence 

Following high demand from our customers who experienced the scenarios above, we developed Databeat Booking to streamline and automate the booking process. Our solution is developed and based on the Microsoft 365 technology.

Motebooking med Databeat Doorsign

How to use DATABEATbooking


Step 1 | Log in

Book 1


Log in with third-party authentication.



Step 2 | Book

Book 2


Find meeting rooms, see availability and invite meeting participants. 



Step 3 | Confirm

Book 3


Check your booking before confirming.




Step 4 | Attendance

Book 4


Have a good meeting!


The possibilities with DATABEATbooking

Require login

Users can gain access to the booking page by logging in through third-party authentication services like Microsoft or Google. Alternatively, the booking page can be made accessible to everyone without any authentication.

Microsoft Teams

In DATABEATbooking, you can create hybrid meetings. When booking a meeting room, you can send a Teams invitation to those who cannot show up physically.

Determine access to resources

Decide who will have booking rights, regardless of whether they are internal to the company or external.

Design & Customization

Design your own website with the help of "Template Editor". In addition, you can make simple changes such as changing the logo, background, and colors on the website.

Add email or domain 

To restrict access to your booking page, you have the option to include specific email addresses or domains.

Confirmation & Reminder

After the user has booked in DATABEATbooking, they will receive an e-mail and/or SMS with confirmation, as well as a reminder before the booking starts.
booking example 2


DATABEATdoorsign is a "single-tenant" product that is installed on one or several monitors to display updated status from a Microsoft 365 resource, such as a meeting room. The screen also gives access to drop-in booking and searching for other available resources nearby. The screen can represent a simple resource, an overview of several resources or personal signs.

DATABEATbooking includes DATABEATdoorsign, but also allows you to set up a "multi-tenant" booking page so that external companies can book shared meeting rooms and resources.

The setup is based on one license per room. This means that if you have four meeting rooms, you also need four licenses.

Yes! You can add your own image, logo and choose your own color theme. In addition, it is possible to customize the subdomain of the URL.

Yes! You can book meeting rooms and at the same time include a Teams link in the outgoing invitation, for those who can not show up physically.

Yes, in addition to meeting rooms, you can also set up resources such as vans, office space, bicycles, users, and whatever you would like. This can be set up in your Microsoft 365 account.

Contact us for prices!

Admin can get an overview of all bookings that have been made. The booking history is available in DATABEATbooking.

Yes! These three products are gathered under one platform: DatabeatOMNI. From DatabeatOMNI you can publish content on your digital signage, as well as set up an internal and external booking system. Read more about DatabeatOMNI here.

In DATABEATbooking there are no restrictions, only in Microsoft 365.

You can set up DATABEATbooking by yourself, or ask for assistance from us if desired. 

Are you interested in DATABEATbooking? 

Do you also want a simple solution for booking common resources, or perhaps gain more control over which resources are booked over time?

Fill in the form if you are interested in Databeat Booking and want more information. One of our specialists in Databeat will contact you on an ongoing basis.

Remember that you can also read more information about Databeat Booking in our Knowledge base.