DatabeatOMNI | Our Customers

Nordstrand IF's new arena is using DatabeatOMNI

Written by Cecilie Rubach | 9/20/18 7:29 AM

Nordstrand IF is one of Norway's largest and oldest athletes’ associations. With around 2000 members, Nordstrand IF has active athletes in football, handball, golf, swimming and triathlon. The new Nordstrand Arena, which plans to open in the summer of 2018, will feature digital displays powered by DatabeatOMNI, delivered by Mediakonsulenten.

The whole project consists of 10" screens on the athlete's wardrobes, stunning 65" 4K screens for the administration and common areas as well as LED walls inside the hall for showing results, information and advertising.

The chairman of NIF and Nordstrand Arena, Robert Hagen, says:

“We have spent a lot of time deciding on a vendor for our digital signage solution because it had high priority for us. A lot of vendors were contacted and the different solutions were researched thoroughly. We had to get this right because we planned on using the displays on a daily basis. Mediakonsulenten and DatabeatOMNI were clearly the best choice, both for hardware and software. What really set them apart from the competition was the support they offered for the delivery of the project."

We thank Nordstrand IF for the trust given to us. We look forward to following their great sporting events and fantastic content.

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